Trump Makes A Fake Tom Coburn Quote To Smear Cruz As 'Dishonest'.
UPDATEDTalking Points Memo just released this "Caught In The Act" story of Trump's campaign. This one appears to be completely made up. Dr. Tom Coburn actually said nothing which could be misconstrued by CNN or any other credible source.
Mediaite finally summed up the scandal by adding;
"Probably not the best strategy to be so loose with the fact-checking when you’re trying to accuse someone else of dishonesty…"
Published FEBRUARY 17, 2016, 9:16 AM EST
Donald Trump's presidential campaign on Tuesday falsely attributed a scathing quote about Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to a former Republican senator.
Mediate reported that a tweet from campaign social media director Dan Scavino quoted former Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) saying of Cruz, "He is without a doubt, one of the most dishonest people in DC." Trump then quoted Scavino's tweet and added, "Unreal! Highly respected Senator Tom Coburn said this about Cruz."
Both tweets have been deleted.
Coburn later told the Washington Examiner that the quote attributed to him was "an absolute fabrication."
“It’s an absolute fabrication. I’ve never said that, period,” Coburn told the Examiner. “It’s unfortunate he would use my name to say something dishonest. It’s a total fabrication.”“To me, it’s more of loose play with the truth and loose play with the words,” Coburn said.
"It's an absolute fabrication. I've never said that, period," Coburn said in a phone interview with the publication. "It's unfortunate he would use my name to say something dishonest. It's a total fabrication."
"To me, it's more of loose play with the truth and loose play with the words," he added.UPDATE:
Trump also invoked Coburn's name to call Cruz a "dishonest" person twice Tuesday at an event in Beaufort and North Augusta, South Carolina, according to CNN.
"The senator just came out, the senator from Oklahoma who is a very highly respected senator, he said he's one of the most dishonest people he's ever worked with," Trump said. "That's a hell of a statement. I never even heard a statement like that."
Those comments came a few hours after he and his campaign deleted the tweets, according to CNN's Jeremy Diamond. reports:
UPDATE: After this story and others were published. After the below exposé from Jake Tapper, after the offending Tweets were DELETED by Trump and his surrogate, he still repeated it on stage two hours later to an unsuspecting audience who took it as truth, AND it was defended by another surrogate on CNN that evening! Unbelievable.
Now, back to the lie …
Now, back to the lie …
Evidence Deleted: No Apology, No Retraction
By the way, one good thing that came out of this? Sen. Coburn just narrowed his choices. “I can tell you now somebody I’m not going to vote for,” he told the Examiner. Would that the sentiment would spread.
UPDATE: Both Trump and Scavino have deleted their tweets. No new tweets with an apology or even a retraction were made.

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