The Oklahoma senate committee vote, last Monday; narrowly defeated a measure which would have reduced the allowed exemptions from 3, to 2. Senate Bill 1478 was assigned to the Education Committee.
I see vaccinations as an imposition of socialist intentions. Central government wants to force my healthy kid to take a risk so that someone else's kid (whose chronic sickness forbids such immunization risk) will be better buffered against a serious disease. But that's forced and coerced!
I will give that gift if I choose, but I will not have government force me or my child to take such risks. The bill is forced communism. It amounts to a claim of ownership of our children's' bodies. Their very lives are seen as pawns for the sake of someone else's sickly child, and they defend it through socialized medicine because they claim that somehow medicaid may have to spend some money on healthcare for someone.
Don't be surprised when some lawmaker introduces a bill to require every citizen to donate blood on an annual basis. the principles involved are the same. Your ownership of your own body is a fading concept.
The bill is a threat to all Oklahomans' liberty. Should re really have to go find a feigned religion to justify our philosophical objection to this forced injection of toxins, into our children's bodies?
Now, I got sick from the shot and spent the weekend in bed, suffering from severe fatigue, headache, and body aches. said that I was experiencing very common side effects. Yes, I suffered from the vaccine. But I made a wilful choice for myself. because my grandchild will be born vulnerable to things that I am not. It was my gift to her. If the government leaders want to give her a gift, let them risk their own lives while respecting my own liberties. They don't own my body or my children's bodies.
For more info on this issue, see Oklahomans For Vaccine Choice
Medical Frailty
The first class of exemption (medical frailty) is clearly going to be retained. The child with grave illness (if acknowledged by the bureaucrats at the health department) will be cleared.Religious Objectors
Some senators have been very frustrated with the opposition to the bill because the language clearly supports clear religious objectors. I don't yet know what secular authority will be delegated the power to define which religious views are legitimate and which are scurrilous? But, yes, that class of exemption is retained; but what would be lost is the political/philosophical objection to the forced socialist endangerment of the atheist family.Political Objectors
My problem with this bill is that a parent cannot have political objections if the bill had passed; only religious objections. And that's a narrow minded political mindset.I see vaccinations as an imposition of socialist intentions. Central government wants to force my healthy kid to take a risk so that someone else's kid (whose chronic sickness forbids such immunization risk) will be better buffered against a serious disease. But that's forced and coerced!
"The bill is forced communism. It amounts to a claim of ownership of our children's' bodies. Their very lives are seen as pawns for the sake of someone else's sickly child, and they defend it through socialized medicine because they claim that somehow medicaid may have to spend some money on healthcare for someone."
Don't be surprised when some lawmaker introduces a bill to require every citizen to donate blood on an annual basis. the principles involved are the same. Your ownership of your own body is a fading concept.
The bill is a threat to all Oklahomans' liberty. Should re really have to go find a feigned religion to justify our philosophical objection to this forced injection of toxins, into our children's bodies?
Personal Experience
This past week my son informed me that his daughter will be born in 2 months. He said that if I want to hold my daughter any time soon after, I would need an up-to-date whooping cough vaccine. I chose to comply. My son and his wife have every right to make this request. Friday night I went to the pharmacy and got the DPT booster.Now, I got sick from the shot and spent the weekend in bed, suffering from severe fatigue, headache, and body aches. said that I was experiencing very common side effects. Yes, I suffered from the vaccine. But I made a wilful choice for myself. because my grandchild will be born vulnerable to things that I am not. It was my gift to her. If the government leaders want to give her a gift, let them risk their own lives while respecting my own liberties. They don't own my body or my children's bodies.
Lawmakers are no longer content just to leach off the firstfruits of our hard labor. they now want to leach off our collective physiology, so they can look compassionate toward someone else's sickly kid.For more info on this issue, see Oklahomans For Vaccine Choice

According to this FDA study, the whooping cough vaccine does not help stop the spread of disease, and in fact it promotes the exact opposite. While the vaccine reduces symptoms of the disease in those who are vaccinated, it does not prevent colonization of the respiratory passages by the pertussis organism in those who have been vaccinated who then become chronic, asymptomatic carriers capable of spreading this disease to others. However, I do agree with the points made in the rest of this article and appreciate the author's recognition of the importance of maintaining our rights and liberties over our own healthcare choices and decisions. Individuals should have a right to determine what is put into their bodies, not the government.