Sooner Politics Picks 4
On March 1st, Tulsa County voters will pick 2 candidates from a couple of long lists.
Yes, there is a presidential primary that day; but there is an open seat for Tulsa County Sheriff. This is a special election brought about from a vacancy. The field of candidates is very strong and the choice is incredibly difficult. Yet the decision will likely impact the Tulsa area for many years to come.
The last time Tulsa County voters replaced a sheriff was during Ronald Reagan's presidency.
Our Picks
Yes, we had a very tough time narrowing down the field. Sooner Politics has 4 finalists and we decided to "go to press" with this select group as our final advisory. In no particular order, we chose these fine men.Luke Sherman demonstrated a couple unique strengths. His experience with local law enforcement and national involvement give him some insights that would greatly benefit the public safety efforts for the county. He is a very polished communicator. That trait cannot be overlooked during the worst scenarios of widespread disaster response. As a very engaging personality, he would bring a fresh openness that has sorely been lacking.
Jason Jackson communicates with an unmatched sincerity. He is very experienced (Jenks PD) and highly trained in practical policing. Jackson has a way with people that cannot be manufactured, only refined. He approaches his vocation as a calling and his personal faith is demonstrated in quality virtues.
John Fitzpatrick has unmatched administrative skills and experience in executive business, as well as several years in law enforcement. He has been a Tulsa PD reserve officer for much of that time. Fitzpatrick is a highly skilled problem solver and a perpetual student of how other organizations solve the very problems he is faced with. He's demonstrated the courage to reshuffle bureaucracies which have become ineffective.
Dan Miller is very in touch with practical policing. He takes the time to study the dynamic effects of federal regulations, state budgets, community shifts, and assesses the future impacts as well as the current challenges. Miller is not afraid to confront lawmakers at the state capitol for creating county problems. And he's committed to a greater accountability and transparency in the sheriff's office.
I have about 11 days until the election. And I'm not there, yet. I was a media panelist at one forum and I hosted a special forum on mental illness and the sheriff's office on behalf of NAMI Tulsa. The more time I spend with these men, the harder it is for me to make my choice. And isn't that really a great problem to have? Oh, that we had such great community leaders willing to step forward for every elective office.David Van

Good choices, and further scrutiny would show that several have Financial problems that could affect certain decisions, appointments and make them vulnerable to the bad actors/Outsiders or banking insiders like George Kaiser. My choice is Jackson -- he has been endorsed by tow key Constitutional Sheriffs and Gunrights authorities. No financial problems (Fitzpatrick/Miller/SHerman). He is not part of the Sheriff dept., like Miller. Jackson views federal agencies as Outsiders. He is for the People.