Redstate provides this update:
So it is presented as a quote, and retweeted by The Donald himself. No clean hands here.
Coburn narrows his choice of Presidential nominee
Coburn was livid that a presidential candidate would abuse him in this type of shameless scam. Sen. Coburn just narrowed his choices. “I can tell you now somebody I’m not going to vote for,” he told the Examiner.
The ForwardProgressives writer said that about Cruz. The Trump camp took that line from the article, and in a tweet, faked it as a “quote” from Senator Tom Coburn.
And here is what’s more: Tom Coburn is ticked off about it! The Washington Examinerhas this hot off the press:
“It’s an absolute fabrication. I’ve never said that, period,” Coburn told the Examiner. “It’s unfortunate he would use my name to say something dishonest. It’s a total fabrication.”“To me, it’s more of loose play with the truth and loose play with the words,” Coburn said.
Both Trump and Scavino have deleted their tweets. No new tweets with an apology or even a retraction were made.
Maybe we should make up our own quotes. “Donald Trump’s campaign is the most dishonest smear job campaign in the history of American politics,” says that screaming goat from YouTube! Hey you don’t know. You don’t speak Spanish OR Goat, right?
By the way, one good thing that came out of this? Sen. Coburn just narrowed his choices. “I can tell you now somebody I’m not going to vote for,” he told the Examiner. Would that the sentiment would spread.
UPDATE: Both Trump and Scavino have deleted their tweets. No new tweets with an apology or even a retraction were made.
Redstate posted this update:
UPDATE: After this story and others were published. After the below exposé from Jake Tapper, after the offending Tweets were DELETED by Trump and his surrogate, he still repeated it on stage two hours later to an unsuspecting audience who took it as truth, AND it was defended by another surrogate on CNN that evening! Unbelievable.
Now, back to the lie …
Now, back to the lie …

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