Angry conservative lawmakers are howling about the massive spending bill signed into law Friday – slamming the party's leadership for pushing through a "bad deal" that'll only anger voters "fed up with the Washington cartel."
While President Barack Obama and congressional leaders – including newly minted House Speaker Paul Ryan – defended the bipartisan deal hiking spending across government and extending a host of special interest tax breaks, critics sounded a starkly different note.
"I think this omnibus was a betrayal of the men and women who elected us," Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz said Friday.
"I think this omnibus was a betrayal of the men and women who elected us. It was Republican leadership playing Santa Claus to the lobbyists … and the special interests, and it's why people are fed up with the Washington cartel."
"I think this omnibus was a betrayal of the men and women who elected us," - Ted Cruz |
"There is a reason that GOP voters are in open rebellion," Sessions told The Washington Times.
Louisiana GOP Rep. John Fleming, in a radio interview prior to his "no" vote on the deal,
derided the legislation as "a laundry list of things that are not on it... and things that shouldn't be in it," calling it a "bad deal."
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