Editor's Note: The 2014 repeal effort required a new set of standards to be put in place within 2 years. Recently, the standards were submitted to the legislature with a 30 day review period to respond or be adopted. Today, the legislature's 30 day deadline is up. The new standards are terribly flawed and the legislature is about to silently approve them for 6 years.
From Jenni White of R.O.P.E.
Recently I sent you an email regarding the problems with the new Oklahoma Academic Standards as identified by reviewers.
This weekend, I took those problems and compared them with HB3399 (the Common Core repeal bill). What I found was that - as written and presented to the Oklahoma Legislature this year - the standards could be construed to violate no less than SEVEN different mandates in that bill. You can read about all seven here.
We would really appreciate it if you would take a minute to write or call your personal Oklahoma Senator and Representative and ask them to PLEASE DISAPPROVE Oklahoma's new Academic Standards (OAS) and send them back to the Oklahoma State Department of Education for revision BEFORE THE 23rd of this month when they become LAW!
A sample letter can be found below. You are welcome to copy and paste as you see fit.
From Jenni White of R.O.P.E.
Recently I sent you an email regarding the problems with the new Oklahoma Academic Standards as identified by reviewers.
This weekend, I took those problems and compared them with HB3399 (the Common Core repeal bill). What I found was that - as written and presented to the Oklahoma Legislature this year - the standards could be construed to violate no less than SEVEN different mandates in that bill. You can read about all seven here.
We would really appreciate it if you would take a minute to write or call your personal Oklahoma Senator and Representative and ask them to PLEASE DISAPPROVE Oklahoma's new Academic Standards (OAS) and send them back to the Oklahoma State Department of Education for revision BEFORE THE 23rd of this month when they become LAW!
A sample letter can be found below. You are welcome to copy and paste as you see fit.
Dear __________Please DISAPPROVE Oklahoma's new Academic Standards (OAS) and send them back to the Oklahoma State Department of Education for further revision BEFORE March 23, 2016.As written, the standards violate the letter of the law (HB3399) and are considered by outside reviewers to be vague, difficult to test and not provide examples of literature and mathematics for each grade level and skill.
We would really appreciate it if you would take a minute to write or call your personal Oklahoma Senator and Representative and ask them to PLEASE DISAPPROVE Oklahoma's new Academic StandardsThank you for your attention to this matter. Oklahoma has the opportunity to create the best set of educational standards in the nation - let's take time to make sure we do.Thank you,You can find the contact information for your Senator or Representative by clicking the links. If you don't know who your Senator or Representative might be, you can find that here.Thank you so much for your help. After all the drama of repealing Common Core in 2014, let's make sure we give our students and teachers standards of excellence to replace them.
Jenni White
Education Director
ROPE 2.0

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