Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Sooner Politics Survey Is Commissioned

    Sooner Politics is conducting a poll to give the public some indication of how voters are likely to respond to the choices being offered at the June 24th Republican Primary, and how those voters will respond to a 2nd set of choices in the potential runoff election, should it become necessary.

    The science of Instant Runoff polling is essential to understanding how voters migrate to a new set of decisions in a runoff election.

    Oklahoma law requires that a nominee receives a majority of the votes cast in a primary election process.  Since some of the races involve several choices, it is usually very difficult for a candidate to surpass 50% of the vote in a party primary election.
    Many times an incumbent who falls just short of 50% in a primary will find it very hard to gather the additional votes in a runoff, because the re-election campaign is often seen as a referendum of sorts, about his representation. But a challenger who initially gathered more than a third of the initial primary votes will be far more likely to rally the supporters of another challenger to his cause. This poll is partly an effort to determine that likelihood in each of the races.
The Poll can be directly linked here:

Or you may take the poll, below. Please ask your fellow Oklahoma Republican voters to help us boost the participation and give all of us a more accurate indication of where things stand.

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