The OKGOP has run up about a $45K debt in the past 3 months.
The OKGOP State Committee meeting finally resumed
the practice of providing a real balance sheet. |
After getting out to a great start in financial recovery from the Weston debt, Chairman Randy Brogdon hit a 'snag' this summer in fundraising. Internal strife only added to the financial woes. Governor Fallin and many other state leaders have only offered armchair criticism, and the primary funding for party operations fell upon Tea Party activists to provide.
One wealthy Tulsa businessman told me he was dropping his Elephant Club membership because "the damn tea party took over!". I mentioned that the Tea Party has always been very active in the party; but he insisted that something akin to a terrorist coup is now running the OKGOP. Now, this businessman has not been to any party conventions. Most of the wealthy party operatives seem to disdain mixing with the commoners. And that is sad. It is the result of some divisive operatives deliberately executing a whisper campaign of fear. Someone is trying to divide and dismantle the OKGOP
But the truth is, the Weston Administration left the party in a bigger debt than it currently holds. That debt is largely the result of a bloated staff and the chairman, himself; taking a huge pay raise which cost the party over $150K during the Weston years. Wages accounted for about $70K in the first 3 months of this year. Brogdon's administration only spent about $35K on wages in the last 3 months.
Former OKGOP Chair, Randy Brogdon |
Real Reporting
One of the great accomplishments of the Oct.11th OKGOP State Committee meeting was the actual income statement returned to the agenda.
Pollard's turn to lead |
The last 2 administrations were continually criticized for not providing clear and concise data on the party's financial health. Pam Pollard has been one of the voices calling for real reports. As a career accountant, Pam has helped keep this data in the public eye while she served as Vice Chair in the Pinnell Administration.
Moving Forward
Pam Pollard is now the OKGOP Chairman. this development will give every Republican the opportunity to demonstrate the good will they insist lies within their hearts for the furtherance of our common conservative values. Let's stand now with Chairman Pollard for real party reforms and advancement of greater Oklahoma leadership.

Sooner Politics continues to provide free advertising to the
OKGOP's Minuteman membership drive. Just $8.25 per month. A great way to set aside a little for the furtherance of the GOP vision and values.
"Someone is trying to divide and dismantle the OKGOP"
David Van Risseghem |
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