Monday, September 7, 2015

Too Much Christianity In Tulsa's Uppity Neighborhoods

The Tulsa Frontier's Kevin Canfield reports on his Hyperlocal blog:

  The Tulsa City Council is facing some conflicting interests in local zoning. The most powerful neighborhood in the city is the Lewis Avenue stretch between 21st & 41st street south. Most of the city's current and past mayors have lived in this area of old oil mansions.
The building has been at 39th & Lewis Ave, for 50 years.
The expanded auditorium would use part of the front lawn
  Now a church is expanding their auditorium to seat 635 congregants at 3817 South Lewis Avenue. Wha-da-ya know, the locals are complaining that it would cause traffic jams along the 4-lane arterial street on sunday mornings.

  This is the same city council that is battling to keep a soup kitchen in the most dangerous part of downtown by denying their occupancy permit at a quieter part of the downtown expansion known as the Pearl District.  Iron Gate ministries found an ideal location near 6th & Peoria, but some developers are trying to build an upscale shopping district by reclaiming the area which had been an urban blight.
  It's not like the neighbors don't want folks going to church... They just don't want them sharing the 4-lane arterial streets near this neighborhood. 600 seat auditoriums... that's almost like having an elementary school in the neighborhood.
  Read more about this at Keven Canfield's blog, and The Tulsa Frontier.
600 seat auditoriums... that's almost like having an elementary school in the neighborhood.
David Van Risseghem

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