Friday, January 23, 2015

Let's Go Out To The Precinct Meeting!

Tulsa County; your precinct meeting starts Saturday morning, January 31st, at 10am. Meet at your appointed rendezvous location by finding your zone on the 'clickable' map linked here.
Tulsa County is testing out a new format of biennial meetings by gathering at the central house district location (okay, some of you will have to travel further than we wished).  But your neighbors and fellow patriots will be there along with several legislators and party officials.
You will be eligible to run for office as a part of your precinct leadership. you will also be eligible to serve as a delegate to represent your precinct at the upcoming Tulsa County GOP Convention (it's more than a month away).
But talk with neighbors & friends; as well as that  fella who's always got an opinion on how the 'guv-ment oughta be run'. There's room for all of us to be a part of making a better community and state though the process of grassroots initiatives.
We'll see ya there, and then we'l talk about it afterwards!
David Van Risseghem

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